The Scene: Girl with traumatic past. Boy with troubled family life. Lots of teenage angsty drama and a hot romance make up Katie McGarry's debut novel.
The Girl: Echo Emerson is a girl with a past. She can't remember an incident she had with her mom and her only reminder are the scars that run up and down her arms. Echo has her issues but I think that's what really makes her so relatable. Katie McGarry really knows how to write characters that are engaging and stay with you even after you've finished the book.
The Boy(s): Noah Hutchins. Bad boy (tattoos, check. scars, check. hot bod, triple check). Fiercely protective. Smartass. And also a very sweet and loving guy to both his brothers and the girl he loves, Echo.
The WTF?!: Noah calling Echo his siren or nymph. Like really? Baby sounds waaay better.
The Buzz: Pushing the Limits has all the elements for a great young adult contemporary read. I love the realness of Katie's characters and the issues that are dealt with in the book. Echo and Noah are both characters that have lots of depth that is great to read about. I literally was sad to see this book end. Suffice it to say, Pushing the Limits definitely has the buzz factor going on.