Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Random Buzz = Recycling is NOT Boring, It's Cool

Hey guys! Welcome to my first Random Buzz post. This randomized session will be about recycling. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking, ugh really soooo boring.
But, don't worry you won't be yawning. It's actually quite cool if you follow these tips and tricks on how to recycle: 

1) Reduce -- Avoid buying single-serving containers and also look for products that have less packaging. If you see something that is overladen with packaging, skip it. Besides, you don't wanna be wrestling with the package just to get it open.
Although it'll give you a good arm workout.

2) Reuse -- So, you're about to toss you're old, used, and slightly stained couch. WAIT! STOP! HALT!
Before you do that, you could easily just donate it to charity or an organization like the Salvation Army. Or you could try to refurbish it yourself. Other things you could donate are computers, rugs, televisions, and tables.

3) Recycle -- Obviously, use recycling bins. Those things are important. Try to keep 'em close so you can easily add recyclables to them. You can also try recycling your clothes by turning them into new outfits. A great way that I've recycled clothes is through hand-me-downs. You know: my cousin had that outfit, now my other cousin, then my sister, and finally passed down to little 'ole me. Like,
No, but seriously wearing used clothing is a great way to recycle. Along with hand-me-downs, you can also go to thrift stores to buy, trade, and sell used clothes.

4) One more thing, start composting -- Composting is a great and inexpensive way to recycle food and trash, not to mention it's great for the environment. Just set it up in your backyard, garden, courtyard, etc. Here's how: First, add green matter like fruit and vegetable waste, e.g., banana peels. Second, add brown matter such as dead leaves or plants. Third, keep up the adding and layering making sure to add water if it gets too dry. Fourth, turn over your compost every once in a while and your compost should be ready to go in a few months!

I also found this really cool article that shows unconventional and creative ways to recycle. You can check it out here. It's pretty amazing stuff.

Now, what are your thoughts? What do you think about recycling? Do you have any other ideas on how to recycle? What's your favorite tip on how to recycle? Let me know in the comments!

Well, that's all I've got for now. Until next time!


  1. Man the pictures on creative ways to recycle is awesome! Can you imagine doing something like that to recycle? Definitely going to use these tips! Thanks.

    1. I know that's what I thought! It would take a lot of work to make some of those things. My favorite's the bicycle, it would be really neat to ride in style with those shoes!

  2. Great post, Brianna! I think most of us consume and throw away far too much stuff. I've been trying to do better at buying food that comes in less packaging, I've been giving away things I don't need to friends and clothes recycling programs, same with my electronics. Most of all, I'm trying to buy less stuff! Also, I'm looking forward to having a garden one day and start composting.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I've always wanted a garden and I think that growing your own veggies, fruit, and herbs would be so awesome, not to mention fresher and healthier.

  3. I really enjoyed your post. I found the link to creative ways to recycle fascinating. Another way to reuse that I do is to bring my own bag(s) with me to stores when I shop. I have a couple of canvas tote bags that area great size that I use. This is a way to reuse and break the cycle of using and wasting plastic or brown bags.

    1. That is a great way to reuse. When I go to the store, the majority of people I see are using plastic bags because of the convenience. But actually it's not that hard to bring your own reusable bags to the store. And just think of all the plastic and paper your saving!

  4. That is great. Keep up the good work. One very simple recycling tip is to reuse paper even if it only has one side that is usable. Kids can use this as scrap paper for homework then recycle the paper.

    1. I do the exact same thing for scratch paper, especially when it comes to math. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Great job and cool gifs. I think that more people should recycle. I have been starting to recycle for a while now. I can't wait for your next post!

  6. Great post! Thanks for the tips. I will make sure to recycle more now.

    1. Thank you, Amy! I hope I made recycling a little more cool for you.



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