Hey guys!
You know all those rating systems that bloggers seem to conjure like magic specifically tailored to their blogs? Yeah, well I kinda got tired of my plain old star system. So, I've been thinking that maybe I should create my own rating system, but I've been putting it off for so long because I didn't know what each rating should be called.
Then it hit me.
My blog name, Brianna's Book Buzz, is the perfect way to base my rating system off of. So, without further ado, here is my new rating system:

No Buzz Whatsoever: It was horrible. I did not like this book at all. There was no buzz in this book. I definitely would NOT recommend this book.

Little to No Buzz: It was okay. Really didn't have much buzz going for this book. This book wasn't completely horrible but it still wasn't my cup tea. I would not recommend this book.

Some Minor Buzz: It was just good. Definitely wasn't great but not horrible either. I had some problems with this book but was still mildly enjoyable. I would maybe recommend this book.

Some Major Buzz: It was really good. I enjoyed this book a lot but it didn't quite hit the buzz factor. Still, a wonderful book and would recommend.

The Buzz Factor: It was AMAZING. This is the book that's worthy of an award. It's the book that sucks you in where you're incapable of doing anything remotely productive because your eyes are super-glued to the pages. I HIGHLY recommend this book.
What do you think? Do you like it? Anything I should do different? :)