The Scene:
Mainly set in the mystical faerie
realm of the Nevernever. Also, faeries. Puck. Ash. Quest. Talking cat. ASH.
The Girl: Meghan
Chase starts seeing things like shadows and stuff on her sixteenth birthday.
You know, not normal things. Then she finds out her brother is kidnapped by the
Fey so she has to go on a quest to save said brother with Puck (yes, Midsummer
Night's Dream Puck) and a talking cat (Grimalkin). Meghan, for a sixteen
year old YA main character is suprisngly likable. Yes, she bothered me at times
(girl, learn how to fight!) but overall she's alright.
The Boy(s): I'll
start with Puck and not the overly obvious choice of the stoic faerie prince,
Ash. Robbie aka Puck is that Puck, you know from the Shakespeare play. I find
Puck to be very entertaining. He's quite funny and you can tell he really cares
about Meghan. But I have a feeling he'll be friendzoned majorly (ahem, hot
faerie prince anyone?). Ash is like the typical hot, brooding, and fierce young
adult bad boy. Except without any humor save one joke. I have to say, I like
Ash but I think Meghan was really stupid to melt into a puddle of mush whenever
she was around him especially when he says things like,
"War?" Something cold touched my cheek, and I glanced up to see snowflakes swirling in a lightning-riddled sky. It was eerily beautiful, and I shivered. "What will happen then?"Ash stepped closer. His fingers came up to brush the hair from my face, sending an electric shock through me from my spine to my toes. His cool breath tickled my ear as he leaned in."I'll kill you," he whispered, and walked away...
Yeah, that doesn't really strike me
as warm and fuzzy, you know?
The WTF?!: Talking
cat. Don't get me wrong, this WTF is actually good. I actually love Grim. He's
all sorts of funny, amusing, and a little frustrating. It's just that he
reminds me of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland soo much. I don't
know if that's a good or bad thing?
The Buzz: This
book is your typical faerie book but not so typical as any other typical faerie
book (say that three times fast!). If that makes sense. It's filled with action
and adventure and lots of Fey (duh). I liked this book. So, go and read it.
They say this series gets better as it goes on so we shall see.