The Scene
Drew's on an island again doing her own kickass routine. There's lots of training in this one with Ronan to boot. The whole thing with Emma in the previous book, Blood Fever, was dealt with (kinda), thank god, but it was still sad.
The Girl
Oh gosh. Can I just say that I love Drew? She is awesome and so kickass. I love her fight, her snark, and how strong she is. Yeah, she makes some stupid decision sometimes (who doesn't?) but I think that's what makes her a bit realistic, especially for a girl her age. Drew is a huge reason why I love the Watchers series so much.
The Boy(s)
Ronan was in this book so much. And I loved it. Don't get me wrong I like Carden but I've always been more of a Ronan fan. Drew and him just need to hurry up and get together already.
The WTF?!
Ohmygosh, what the hell was up with Yasuo?! I was totally flipping because I really liked him in the previous books. He went all freaking psycho on Drew and it actually made me a little sad. And angry.
The Buzz
I can't even begin to express how much I enjoy the Watchers series and The Keep was no exception. I loved the action, mystery, intrigue, and of course romance that totally kept me captivated.
I just cannot wait for the next book to come out! But, to tide you over (and me) there's a novella out that's in Ronan's POV.
Yes, Ronan's POV.
It's called Dark Craving and here's an excerpt from Veronica Wolff's website.